Hi! Here is my latest vlog post, this time on the advantages of acting on a goal. Goal setting is an important part of accomplishing something you really want to do. Then comes the planning stage. You need to plan out how you'll meet those goals. But, then what?
Without action, you may never know if you have it in you to make your dreams come true. You may never get to experience new things and go new places because you were afraid to try; afraid to fail, or you were discouraged by someone who thought you shouldn't risk it. Well, I'm here to encourage you to do just the opposite:
- Try!
- Fail!
- Do!
Take those plans and put them into action to make your dreams come true, to meet your goals. You may have to go through a lot of trial and error to get things right. You may get discouraged. You may feel like giving up. That's okay. Just as long as you keep trying, maybe faiilng, too, but definitely doing. Doing something! Without doing, you'll never know if you can do it or not. Without failing, you might not learn valuable lessons about where to make adjustments so what you want to do comes easier and turns out better. Without trying, you will never know how awesome it is to live on your own, travel the world, take a class, have a life-changing surgery, or anything else you may dream of doing.
Forget the naysayers, stick to your guns, and go for your goals. You. Can. Do. It. Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear from you.